the Authors

the Authors

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Through the Redwoods we go!

         Today was a really fun day filled with PEZ and redwood trees. This morning we went on a steam train that was built in 1916 through the beautiful redwood forest which had trees in it that were up to 3,000 years old!  The Train is steam powered and goes up a 8 and a half percent grade, which is steep for a train. It was a really cold and kind of damp ride but we were able to enjoy a really fun ride through the forest, and we got some good pictures too. Later in the day we went to the PEZ museum and drove up to Lily's Aunt and Uncles house where we will be staying.

         PEZ MUSEUM! It was really fun, because the lady (whose son started the collection) told us all about the different PEZ. They had collected around 900 PEZ! The museum also had lots of recalled toys! Did you know one really old cabbage patch kid had a mechanical mouth that kept chewing, no matter if children's hair or fingers got stuck? Scary! Heres something interesting we learned, Mr. Potato Head was the first toy to be advertised on network television. Also LEGO comes from Leg Godt which means "play well" in Danish.
I got a PEZ truck with moving wheels and the cat from Bob the Builder thats retired! Mom got an old Mickey Mouse PEZ and Selah also got a cat and a truck!

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